Hi Michael,
Sorry for the delayed response to your email.
Numeris announced to members last week the cancellation of Fall 2020 Radio Diary Release due to impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and will focus on a Spring 2021 release.
Any updates and for more information, visit https://www.numeriscanada.com/
Courtney Heuvelmans |
Where did the audience go?
And I thought the numbers were very important. Doesnt the numbers determine who much the station can charge advertisers! Doesnt the numbers determine who to keep hosting radio programs and who to let go!
They called me and said they would pay our family “5 dollars EACH” if we were to wear one of their BIOMETRIC TRACKING devices……..I told them to take their Orwelian Tech Garbage and shove it……..
Covid 19.
How long can this “pandemic excuse” be stretched?
Why even advertise by radio any longer?
Not good.
Maybe if Trump acknowledged COVID sooner and spent money to try and get the virus under control then numeris could have been able to do the fall numbers. But of course the virus is probably fake so who knows what really caused this