September 9, 2020
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, conservative radio legend Michael Savage offered his insights on President Donald Trump’s standing in the 2020 presidential election, the ongoing Chinese coronavirus pandemic, and what he described as the Black Lives Matter movement’s goal of ushering in a “communist revolution” in the United States. Savage also dove deep into the genesis of his forthcoming book — Our Fight for America: The War Continues — and revealed what he believes is the most pressing issue which President Trump should address if he wins re-election in November.
JOSH CAPLAN: We’re less than 60 days away from the election. Both Biden and Trump completed their conventions. It remains unclear where we are with regards to polling. Some show Biden is leading nationwide, others show Trump is gaining ground on him. How do you feel about the president’s changes of winning re-election?
MICHAEL SAVAGE: Conservatives don’t answer polls. We have no idea where they really stand. In terms of Trump moving up, I think the out of control violence in America, which is clearly a communist revolution, Trump is running as a law & order candidate. I’ve been complaining on my show that if you want to do something about it, stop telling us you’re going to do it and just do it now. These communist revolutionaries are not idiots, they are well funded. But he did, he deputized the Oregon State Police and they shot one of the murderers, which was a step towards controlling them. I think the non-stop riots and mayhem from the fraudulent group, Black Lives Matter, a Marxist, antisemitic organization, anti-capitalist, these riots are working in Trump’s favor. Biden, the hologram in the basement, so far has said nothing, except as a Johnny-come-lately that it will be quieter if he becomes president. How? They’re suddenly going to go home, get a haircut, and get a job at Starbucks after they burn the store to the ground? I think the race is moving toward Trump and I do think that he’s under-polled.
Read the rest of the interview HERE
Usually agree with Michael. A tragedy another conservative voice is being squeezed out.