John Shields of the Q in Victoria Moves On…


Puget Sound Radio had occasion to email John Shields, who was the Senior Program Director at The Q and The Zone in Victoria, and received the following automatic email response below…

John Shields


A message From John Shields

Hello and thank you for your email.


Important information – I have decided, after over 4 decades of being in the radio/broadcast business, that it’s time for me to move on.  Maybe be a gardener or commisionaire or something like that.  It’s just time for me to move on from broadcasting..

I will be in the office sporadically over the little while my actual retirment from broadcasting being July 31st .

If you have any questions regarding either The Q of The Zone, please email Mark Addams. I know he’ll be able to help you out with anything and everything.  ma*********@jp**.ca

If you would like to personally reach out to me, my email for the time being is be*********@gm***.com

My cell phone number remains the same.

I will miss the broadcast business for sure ’cause I love it so much.   More that that, I will miss all the wonderful people I have be blessed to know and work with.

Love you all.


John Shields

Congratulations John for decades of service and Happy gardening. It sure helps you have a ‘green’ thumb…

from the Times Colonist…

Q’s Bossman Johnny gets his dues for 42-year radio career by Mike Devlin



  1. Man o’ Man. The “Q” was a mainstay for me back in my undergrad days in Victoria back in the 80’s. I think what got me hooked was one late night/early morning the D.J. spun “Amy Grant” by the Young Fresh Fellows.


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