Atlanta Protestors Graffiti, Smash Windows at CNN Headquarters


Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images

Some of the spray-painted messages on the logo included “no cops,” “f*** Trump” and “#Love.”

Protesters graffitied the CNN logo, smashed windows and threw inside what appeared to be a firecracker at the Atlanta headquarters of the news network during the fourth night of protests over George Floyd’s death on Friday night.

Images and video captured by news networks and social media users showed that some of the spray-painted messages on the logo included “no cops,” “f*** Trump” and “#Love.” CBS 46 in Atlanta reported that though the protest was primarily “peaceful” at the start, one protester threw a brick at the CNN headquarters’ windows and others threw rocks.

Later, protestors threw milk jugs, bricks and water bottles at police cars in front of the headquarters, and at that point, some protestors began running. While CNN’s Nick Valencia and his crew were live on air with Chris Cuomo, protesters threw some sort of firecracker at the police holding a barricade inside the CNN Center.

The Atlanta Police Department has a precinct inside CNN Center.

A police vehicle and an American flag were set on fire in front of the headquarters, while later WSB-TV in Atlanta reported some protesters were looting a ground-floor restaurant at the CNN Center. The Hollywood Reporter has asked CNN for comment.

Read more HERE.


  1. The anti-Trump and anti-police rioters, thugs and spoiled preschoolers in adult bodies have no understanding of what love is, all they understand is hate and violence. If they want to behave like rabid dogs, then they’re going to get treated like rabid dogs.


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