BBC to cut an estimated 450 jobs in modernization plan


by The Associated Press as published by the Victoria Times-Colonist

LONDON — The BBC said Wednesday that plans to “modernize” the British broadcaster’s newsroom will lead to the loss of an estimated 450 jobs.

The cuts represent a substantial blow to the national public service broadcaster, which enjoys a worldwide reputation for the high quality of its news and entertainment programs.

Fran Unsworth, director of news and current affairs, said the streamlining will be carried out with an eye on digital journalism.

“We need to reshape BBC News for the next decade in a way which saves substantial amounts of money,” Unsworth said. “We are spending too much of our resources on traditional linear broadcasting and not enough on digital.”

She said the company “has to face up to the changing way audiences are using us” and find new ways of engaging with viewers and listeners.

The broadcaster said it wants to “reduce duplication” while saving 80 million pounds ($105 million) in costs.

Read the rest of the story  HERE.


  1. Hopefully the new BoJo Conservative Government of the Soon to Be Free United kingdom take a very serious look at the Bias of the BBC .

    It is very obvious to anyone that can count to six that the BBC were/are Pro the Anti Israel, Anti Semitic Jeremy Corbyn and his equally Anti Israel and Anti Semitic Labour Party during the recent UK Election .

    The UK Government needs to clean house at the BBC and the Corporation needs to be restructured from top to bottom .


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