Vancouver’s Fairchild Radio broadcaster resigns after uproar over commentary about White-Shirted Thugs



One of the Vancouver’s most-listened-to multilingual radio stations has parted ways with a controversial host.

On its Facebook page, Fairchild Radio has announced that Thomas Leung resigned due to “personal reasons”.

That caused a torrent of comments, including from many who thanked the station and from others who took issue with Leung being allowed to have a broadcasting platform in the first place.

This came after Leung caused an uproar with a commentary that seemed to support white-shirted thugs who attacked Hong Kong civilians at the Yuen Long transit station on July 21.

Hong Kong pro-democracy activists believed that these white-shirted, weapon-wielding assailants were operating in cahoots with the police, who were nowhere to be seen.

Leung’s resignation came after a campaign was launched by supporters of Hong Kong activists in Metro Vancouver.

They wrote to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, noting that Leung has been a vocal supporter of the Beijing government and accusing him of blaming the victims in a way that was “disgusting and completely unacceptable”.

They also alleged that Leung has a history of maligning victims, including a woman who was permanently blinded by the actions of Hong Kong police.

Fairchild posted this statement on its Facebook page.

In its statement, Fairchild promised to “strive to do our best in the future”.

Read more  HERE  at The Georgia Straight website.


  1. Good riddance Leung! If you’re so intent on supporting the commies, why not make your way back to China… I’ll drive you to YVR…

  2. Amazing how many supporters of China live in Vancouver. It should be legal to round them up and send them back if they support such evil. They have make it obvious that they are here to leach everything from our country and don’t give a damn, thus why they never try to fit in in the first place. That is why Canada needs to stop pandering to new immigrants and make them accept the standard we have set and live by it or go home. This goes to anyone going to any country.


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