David Bray’s Radio PPM Analysis & Demo Breakouts


Vancouver: QMFM grabs the #1 spot for A12+ with a 14.3% share of hours tuned (up from 10.9%).

QM benefited from their usual all Christmas music month. Taking the top spot for F25-54 was QM-FM, posting a 21.9% share (up from 17.9% last time out). CBC Radio One grabs the lead for M25-54 listeners, delivering a 12.2% share followed by The FOX at 11.6%.  The FOX is out in front for M18-34 with a 17.3 % share of hrs. tuned (up from 15.9 %). When it comes to Females 18-34, QM takes top spot posting a 16.9 % share.

Edmonton: 630 CHED and NOW share #1 with A12+, each posting a 7.6 % share of hours tuned.

NOW! Radio takes top spot for F25-54, delivering a 20.9% share (down from 21.2 %). CRUZ-FM tops the list for M25-54 with a 10.3 % share (up from 7.7%). For M18-34, NOW leads the way posting a 10.7% followed closely by Sonic at 10.6%. NOW also led with F18-34 delivering a 17.1% (up from 17.0%).

Calgary: XL103 leads the way for A12+ with a 9.7% (up from 7.8 % last time out).

Country 105 is popular with the ladies, taking #1 spot for F25-54 delivering a 13.9% share (down from 16.5%).  For M25-54, X92.9 is #1 with a 10.9% (down from 11.8%). X92.9 takes top spot for M18-34 delivering 8.7% (down from 10.8%). Country105 is #1 (waaaay out front) for F18-34 posting a 30.3% share (up from 21.7% !)

Our thanks to Bray & Partners, Toronto.


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