Former Announcer/Engineer Ed Jurak Dies at age 75


Gord Lansdell at his Northwest Broadcasters site is reporting the death of former Vancouver announcer/engineer Ed Jurak last Saturday, January 26 at age 75.  He had been battling several health issues over the last few years.

Jurak hosted weekends and fill-in at CKLG/CKLG-FM Vancouver 1963-66, was on air at CHTK Prince Rupert from 1966-71 and station engineer from 1976-79.

He was an operator/on-air/engineer at All-News CKO-FM Vancouver from 1983-89, chief engineer at CKST Langley/Vancouver from 1991-2002 and engineer for the CHUM Radio Group Vancouver 2002-04 when he retired.

A celebration of life is being planned for the near future.


  1. Was talking with Ed not more than 3 days before he died. Knew him for 53 years. I could tell some great stories of the “back when…” variety, but the greatest story of all was that Ed Jurak was one fine human being! I’m gonna miss him something fierce.


  2. Met Ed in Prince Rupert in 1971 – and he became the recording engineer to a song written and produced by his buddy, Don Marsh. It was one of my earliest recording projects – and we stayed friends over the years – finally losing sight of each other after I retired from Canada Post in 2010. One of the sweetest, best, most kind people I’ve ever known. Such a loss . . .

  3. Dedicated his entire life to whatever station he was working for at the time. Seemed to live at the station. The trick was finding where he was in the building. Overall, a very nice man. RIP, Ed.

  4. I first met ED in 1971 when I was working at CFTK in Terrace and he was at CHTK in Rupert. We managed to keep in touch for all those years, and last heard from him just before Christmas. He had shared that he had some health issues, but forever was always positive. Another colleague Squire Barnes from his CKO days phoned to let me know, it was a shock. I have been remembering all the experiences that we collectively shared over the years. He had a heart of gold and was a gentle soul , a true Mensch……..

  5. I met Ed while I was working at CBC Prince Rupert, during the 1960’s He was my oldest friend and I will not only miss him bur my family does as well. He was a very special friend who will always be with us in our memories.

  6. I first met Jurak in 1977 at CHTK in Prince Rupert. We had some amazing times experimenting with the IGM 500 automation system that TK used for evenings and weekends. Ed’s addition of an Instacart machine (bought through Comdex in Vegas in ’79) to the mix made it possible to voice track and load my afternoon show in 20 minutes then it was off to “Studio C” to listen to the results. His Nite Rock show became legendary in Rupert too.
    We worked together again at CKO Vancouver and I assisted him in the tearout of the station after the “O” network tanked. He eventually gave me the old TEAC 5 audio board from the main control room and I still have it to this day. Ed would call literally every few days for the past twenty eight years just to touch base and gossip a bit. A great friend for over forty years. I will miss him very much.

  7. I met Ed many years ago through Dave Madison, a close family friend. Ed did all the videography for both my charities & became not only a good friend but really family with he, Dave & Greg Helem I dubbed the theee amigos. Ed really has such a kind & gentle heart and felt things on such a deep level. He was always sharing some joke or another with people that be both knew & just met. I have many special memories and moments that I will keep close to my heart. He will be deeply missed and always remembered.

  8. I met Ed while doing technical operations at the CBC on JB Shayne’s Neon. I talked to him last only a couple of weeks ago and we were planning to get together. I will miss him dearly as he became one of my closest friends. Someone who you could talk to for hours and never get bored. Please notify me of any events for ED. ch**********@te***.net

  9. I met Ed while we were in High School together, 55 years ago. Him and I walked all over Vancouver from Granville and 16th to North Vancouver, to West Vancouver, to Commercial Ave., to 40th and Cambie and beyond, to UBC, to downtown almost every night to everywhere in between. We also scootered to Bellingham often. We lost touch when I moved to Newfoundland via Chilliwack. Many years later he found me when we lived in Nova Scotia and our friendship was rekindled. I have always thought Ed had the best radio voice I have ever heard. I spent 10 years with CBC and CTV but “the Voice” belonged to Ed! He had an amazing presence! I will miss him very much.

  10. I was saddened to hear of Ed’s passing. I heard it hru numerous sources. I could not believe it. Ed , and J.B. Shayne were my early mentors in the crazy world of RADIO. I landed my first on-air gig at CHTK in Prince Rupert in August 1977,. I flew on what was the Boeing 727 CP Air aircraft onto Digby Island. Then bussed to Kaien Island. I ws put up in the Crest Hotel and later found my suite not far from the station.I learned a lot from Ed as it was on the air for real after putzing around on High School and College Radio. !977 and 1978 was a great time of MUSIC. One song that stands out in my memory was Cheryl Lynn-“Gotta Be Real” We loaded up the 45’s on to the Aristocarts and in ran in Auto Mode. Great memories. Some other folk who were part of TK Radio were Gloria Mackarenko, Bill Good, Bob Duck, an others. Ed was the GEM. I will miss him as I learned a lot of what Radio was and can still be. Bless him and many others like him. Always and Forever!


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