JJ “Jim” Johnston did something rather extraordinary last year. He committed to writing a blog everyday saluting someone in the radio or music industry. In an era where the social media stratosphere is predominantly negative, The project started on January 1 with Bruce Barker, wound its way through Victoria Day weekend with a tribute to yours truly, and then concluded on December 31 with David Marsden. These posts were shared across all social media platforms including Facebook. When you think about it, it’s a great idea so that can be shared and re-shared by everyone going forward.
JJ is continuing his work with his company JJ-IMS, which has now reached its way into radio in Australia, and extended beyond radio into management groups and talent in other media.
This episode should have you considering your blog strategy for 2019. I marvel at people like Fred Jacobs who commit to writing 5 days a week, and JJ who wrote everyday for a year.
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Matt Cundill works with radio groups on digital strategies and talent coaching. He recently started the Sound Off Podcast: The Podcast about Broadcast”
E-mail Matt:
Twitter: @mattcundill
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “
Great Interview with JJ, Matt! I borrow his line about all his Salutes referring to his spotlights as ‘One of Good Guys’, well Mr. Johnston, you have proved yourself time and again as One of the Good Guys, because you are, and much more than that. We’ve probably been exchanging emails long before you left the Black Tower, which eventually led to an invitation from you for lunch and a tour of the radio stations. Not to forget the flight by copter from Victoria and back. One of my regrets about not having the old eblah forum, before WordPress, is having the opportunity to do a story on psr about my visit, with photos, unfortunately, the story I did, was one of many which were not saved. Fortunately, I still have the photo’s, one being the one I’ve used in displaying your Salutes on PSR. The one in the Hotel Vancouver where we had lunch. I was truly being spoiled that day. Thanks JJ 🙂
I love the news you’re going to put all the 365 Salutes in a book, with all profits going to charity. Personally, I’d love to see the monies going into a radio fund, Saluting Broadcasting. You’re to be commended JJ, for a job well done. Congratulations!