Drudge Rips Fox News Host who ‘Laughed & Joked’ After Synagogue Shooting


Matt Drudge, founder and editor of the influential right-leaning Drudge Report news website, targeted Fox News on Monday for what he said was an insensitive TV segment in light of the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

“A segment on Fox News this morning where hosts laughed and joked their way through a discussion on political impact of terror was bizarre,” Drudge wrote Monday on Twitter. “Not even 48 hours since blood flowed at synagogue? Check your soul in the makeup chair.”

Drudge did not specify what hosts or show he was describing, but a tweet sent minutes earlier said, “Is it really funny?” and featured a photo of Fox News host Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery smiling on air. A graphic below Kennedy said, “Questions on how mail-bomb scare synagogue attack could impact mid-term voters eight days from now.”

The image appeared to be taken from the Fox News midday program “Outnumbered,” wherein a panel of hosts discuss the day’s news.

The synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh over the weekend left 11 dead and several more injured.

A spokesperson for Fox News did not immediately return a request for comment from the Washington Examiner.



  1. Anyone else notice that the “jewish massacre” is getting TEN TIMES more coverage than the Church massacre last year with 26 dead people?

    Just saying………

  2. First of all my condolences to Victims, Family, and others for the loss or injury of their Loved Ones.

    I use Drudge every day and have done so for many years, I really like, respect, and value what ?Drudge started and does. Drudge simply gets the Truth Out and that is difficult today.

    Having said that i viewed the Clip from Fox and really believe Drudge was a little too critical of them.

    I do not and have never watched Daytime TV of any kind but it appears to me the Participants were respectful enough initially and then continued on to discuss topics at hand.

    I cannot honestly fault them for the odd lighter moment.

    Respect yes but do we really want them to avoid a debate discussion and update of the very Tragic and Heinous Killings?

    I might be in the minority on this but I am willing to acknowledge that fact.

    R.I.P. to the Innocent People Killed. God Bless the Survivors, Friends, and Families.

    I agree with POTUS Trump that Death by Execution is in Order for the Hateful Assassin.

    The sooner the better.


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