Nobody Was Listening, Now everyone’s talking about Roundhouse Radio


So, now we get word Roundhouse Radio has been sold, and will be going dark on Sunday night.  Meaning the current owners will no longer pay the costs involved in operating the station beyond this weekend. In the meantime and in-between time, next move will be by the CRTC to either approve or reject the sale.

As much as we’re sorry to see the demise of this unique radio station in Vancouver, it is, what it is!

In talking with a number of friends these past few days, naturally the topic came around to Roundhouse going black, and the big question, what would you do with this Vancouver radio frequency? Keeping in mind the weak signal, which could and should probably be included in the application, and that is for an increase in power, or possibly low power repeater stations in the lower mainland.

If it was your brand new radio station, what would you do with 98.3 FM?

Comments please…





  1. I dont think I would personally invest, but somebody or a group has a vision. Dont they need a stronger signal to garner a larger audience? I wish the new owner all the best, start by changing the name please.

  2. Kirk Lapointe has a lengthy analysis over on his FB page. Here’s a brief excerpt.

    Well, the good news is that a buyer for #RoundhouseRadio has been found.
    The not-so-good news is that it’s clear the new owners want a clean sweep of the operation and have, in effect, bought a licence.
    Which means the noble effort at building discourse in Vancouver drops off the air Sunday around dinner time and will most likely only resurface later in a different, still undisclosed format.

  3. The question should be, what could you do with it? Music of what’s left of your life, country, blues, today’s hot hits, classic rock does it really matter?

    The only thing that might possibly work in my opinion would be a station catering to Vancouver’s Asian community. As you know there are plenty of very wealthy business owners in the Asian Community with a lot of money to spend.

    Besides that, some English language station playing music would most likely become some sort of jukebox. Who would listen to it and why?

    As someone else said on one of these threads it would be one expensive money losing hobby for whoever buys it.

  4. Without a doubt, RHW was a top professional sounding radio station, but the problem I see is how in the world, and why would they want to compete with cbc and cknw who are both politically left leaning, as well as Trump haters. I almost get the feeling, in order to qualify for an on air show, especially at nw, first and formost, you have to be a Trump hater. What happened to all the conservative libertarian and Free Thinkers who live on the lower mainland. Vancouver is starving for a conservative talk show. Music wise, the station would bring back the CISL format. I’d like to see Doc Harris do a talk show from 9 to Noon. Doc Harris you say! Yes, Doc is more right leaning and even had the opportunity to show his wares when he was doing weekends on NW while Frosty was at the station, and it was reported Doc had better numbers than Frosty. I’d bring John Ashbridge out of retirement to set up an original NW style newsroom as news director and morning anchor. I like Gene Valaitis , but he would have to knock the anti-Trump agenda. Then I would be looking for a young Pat Burns or Jack Webster to fill evenings from 9pm to Midnight or 1am, followed by good old rock and roll until the wake up show begins. Nothing wrong with being a dreamer.

  5. Phil P…RHR should hire you now, apply for ‘more wattage’, hire the folks you mention and bada-boom, bada-bing…I’m in.
    Then get Campbell, Allen, Bennett & Smythe in as shareholders, & grow from there.☺

  6. the guessing game shall continue, at least for the interim, until an official announcement is made. My thoughts about who would have come forward and bought the frequency, depending on crtc approval, of course. Someone mentioned Pattison, He’s still trying to make a go of the Peak. Someone figured Castanet would like to enter the Vancouver market, but me thinks Nick has plenty on his hands right now trying to make a go of his newly acquired radio station called Okanagan Oldies. Hmmm, what about his right hand man in the operation, Paul Larsen, also one of the owners of Clear Sky Radio. Maybe, after all, they just sold their station in Medicine Hat, so maybe they have a few dollars to play with, and hey, this is a great chance to get into a major market. What’s it worth? After all, there is no audience. All you’re really buying is an FM Frequency, and one that hardly covers the Vancouver market. What’s that worth in dollars and cents? One rumour came in, the interested party was a group out of Regina, which could very well be Harvard. A Great opportunity for them to get into major market Vancouver. Again, whats it worth. How much would you pay for it, if you had the dollars and SENSE?

  7. There were a bunch of test promos, which the station played prior to launching in October 2015. Then “Angel” by Sarah McLachlyn (who performed on the RHR stage for the station launch), then dead air just after 7:30. I guess that’s it.

  8. The AM 600 frequency is still vacant. An ethnic broadcaster is supposed to be using it. Perhaps Roundhouse should be using it instead. Furthermore, an FM frequency formerly used by Aboriginal Voices Radio is still vacant. It is supposed to be used by a new aboriginal broadcaster at some point. To summarize, there are two radio frequencies in the Vancouver area that are not being used; perhaps Roundhouse should be using them.


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