Vancouver’s AM 1410 Drops Sports, Goes All BNN Bloomberg Business


The evolution of 1410 on your AM dial continues in Metro Vancouver as it was announced this morning that it will become BNN Bloomberg Radio, Canada’s first business news radio station, launching in conjunction with the new brand on Monday, April 30.

1410 BNN Bloomberg Radio

From this morning’s press release:

“Featuring a simulcast of BNN Bloomberg’s linear television broadcast and in-depth, live, long-form, specialty programming from Bloomberg’s radio service, BNN Bloomberg Radio keeps listeners across the country up-to-date on breaking business news as it happens. The station is powered by BNN Bloomberg’s team of trusted journalists as well as contributions from Bloomberg’s 2,700 business journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries.

As TSN Radio 1410 Vancouver becomes the all-new BNN Bloomberg Radio, Vancouver sports fans can continue to tune in to TSN Radio 1040 Vancouver, which retains its fan-favourite all-sports format. TSN 1040 expands its live radio broadcast schedule to feature content previously delivered by TSN 1410.

BNN Bloomberg Radio will be available for live streaming across the country through the iHeartRadio Canada app, and locally in Metro Vancouver on HD Radio at 103.5 HD2 and on 1410 AM.

Additionally, Bell Media Radio will integrate a broad array of short- and long-form radio reports from BNN Bloomberg Radio into its news/talk stations across Canada, led by The Takeaway with Amanda Lang, a daily radio update from the BNN Bloomberg host featuring updates on the most significant business news of the day.

BNN Bloomberg Radio also delivers voice-activated business news updates via the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa on phones as well as smart speakers such as Google Home and Amazon Echo Spot.”


  1. Great.
    Vancouver’s “Sports Radio” stations will now feature discussions about the Canucks’ next 3rd line center, 24/7…12 months of the year.

    – Instead of proven big time sports broadcasters like Jim Rome and Dan Dan Patrick and their hall of fame guests,
    … we’ll get 24/7 discussions about the Canucks’ next 3rd line center.

    – Instead of first rate reporters, columnists and content from ESPN and Fox Sports
    … we’ll get 24/7 discussions about the Canucks’ next 3rd line center from Bro Jake, “The Moge”, that Squeaky voiced Red headed guy, and 23 jag-off BCIT grads who mostly work for free.

    Great… Major market… Sports Radio.

  2. I am not a “Radio Guy” nor do I have anything to do with the the Entertainment Business but I am in Private Business and I welcome the Bloomberg Feed along with the other proposed programming.

    CKNDP (NW) is only getting worse week by week and I could not ever listen to CBC.

    Sports Radio and in fact Sports is on the decline, young SJW, Video Gaming, Facebooking, Males today have an Allergy to anything Physical and Media/Radio should finally at last begin to recognize that fact.

    I think this format will be great for Listening while in the Car.
    I for one think this will be a Winner.

  3. Is this a joke? What kind of complete moron decided this? What a complete waste. Simulcast the TV station???!! This should not be allowed. Can we please have a true talk radio format or something? Or play funk music or something. ANYTHING would be better than this pathetic idea.

  4. Let’s see if there are any implications in this move for local broadcasters.

    1. Will the popular News1130 Business Reports with Richard Dettman continue to carry Bloomberg snippets from Courtney Donohoe, Gina Cervetti and others at Bloomberg HQ in New York?

    2. Will the Get Connected computer show on CKNW (Saturdays at 10 am) remain there or move to 1410 seeing as the associated TV show is carried on BNN, which is also rebranding to Bloomberg?

  5. Seriously folks. Is there anything STUPIDER than simulcasting?

    Brings me back to when FM stations were simulcasting the audio of Miami Vice so we could get it in stereo. At least that made sense.

    Bean counters win again, however, the beans are running out.

  6. @Larry One thing I will say for 1040’s The Moge. He seems to avoid the social justice virtue signaling, when compared to most of his colleagues. I practically gag when they are trying to outdo each other with who is more politically-correct and which secret thoughts us listeners have are the most repugnant.

    It’s a friggin sports show boys. If I want to choke on propaganda, I’ll tune to CBC or CKNW.

  7. This isn’t a new idea for business radio in Vancouver. One of the applicants for the 600 am frequency was a company out of Toronto? By the way, whatever happened to those applications? Did someone win the prize?

  8. @George in Richmond. Yeah 1040 has been in major need of a testosterone injection for quite some time. Especially sekeres. I suspect it is only a matter of time before 1040 changes formats as well. I can’t imagine it is going to be a sustainable operation for too much longer based on their ratings.

  9. Agree with Larry…Rome & Patrick cover all pro/college sports well. 1040 & 650 are minor league in a market that is hard-pressed to support 1 sports station.
    BNN is great, not on the radio where it’s a tad difficult to read the latest 90 day chart while driving.
    As other posters say, has nobody learned from the ‘NW/Global simulcast schmozzle?

  10. I think Bell has finally figured out that the numbers are not there and there is only room for one sports station in Vancouver and that station needs to have the Canucks.

    With syndication starting at 7 pm on 1040 now its only time until they scale down the live shows during the day. The station could probably still be viable with a live morning and drive show, syndication for the rest of the day and going live with the Whitecaps and Lions games; eventually deciding if it’s worth continuing with the two teams in the future.

    As for the new format, it might work if they carried some local programming ala Michael Campbell.

  11. Good move by Bell. Agree a local element should be added. Not sure about Mr. Campbell who has the same ‘experts’ ad nauseum.

  12. Have they stopped simulcasting the NW/Global news at 6 yet on 980? I stopped listening, so i have no idea. What a load of crap that idea was.

  13. Russ

    I almost hate to point this out but there are people out in Radio Land that care more about the latest excuses from Canucks Brass.

    There is more to life than hearing about ‘Ducks Nuke Nicks” Scores, Stats, and who was the 4th Line Centre for the Nucks.

    Believe it or not the Business of Markets, Commodities, Trades, and the rest are more important to your life than the latest Contract Awarded a 3rd Round Draft Pick from Flin Flon.

    For those that actually enjoy Business and Market News it is a great opportunity to be able to Tune In on the Home or Car Radio when convenient, especially when on the way home after work.

    FYI – Michael Campbell does have a Great Business and it is more than likely the most important Show on CKNDP (NW) all week. Repeat Guests? Hello, that is one of the most important parts to the show. Who cares if Guests are there on a regular basis, if Guests are credible, have a good track record, informative, and assis the Listener to understand Markets they provide a very important service to the Great Unwashed.

    Are you watching Oil? Aluminum? Zinc? Bonds? Interest Rates?

    Spend a few minutes one night watching some of the better Financial Shows and then think about the Poor Soul that does not have the time to sit in front of the TV being able to listen on their Car Radio On the way home.

    There is much more to life than Hockey Talk, there is a real world out there that just might not include Video Games and other “Hand Held” Devices.

    Try it you might like it!

    Let’s see what the Ratings show us in a few months.

  14. “killing me softly…..with internet …..killing me (radio) softly…..with the internet….internet….inter inter inter…”

  15. Let’s not forget that one of Campbell’s recurring “experts” is Ozzie Jurock, an engaging presence to be sure but also someone who has faced class action lawsuits over shoddy condos. If I recall correctly, Harvey Oberfeld suggested at the time that Jurock should be pulled off the air for his actions.


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