Fired CBC Legislative Reporter Lands with Global TV


As reported on Northwest Broadcasters’ recent news page, former CBC Vancouver legislative reporter Richard Zussman has joined Global BC as an online reporter based at the BC Legislature in Victoria.  He was dismissed by CBC in December for violating the Corporation’s code of conduct, conflict-of-interest rules and the collective agreement with the Canadian Media Guild union. Zussman had co-written a book on B.C. politics without clearing it with his superiors at the CBC.

This led to a statement of condemnation by Premier John Horgan, who told The Province newspaper “I think it’s outrageous. The guy’s a professional and he’s being treated very, very poorly by an organization that clearly doesn’t understand his value to them.

“They’re burning a very useful asset. As a business decision, it’s a bad one.”


  1. I must admit I do not know all of the details of the dismissal of Zussman so I hesitate to comment on this but CBC seemed to overreact on his dismissal because of his Book.

    I suppose he technically broke his contract with CBC but to me it appears the CBC was playing “Small Ball” and used the misstep by Zussman to fire him.

    There may have been other reasons that were not fireable offenses so they pulled out the fine print in his contract to trigger the dismissal action.

    Saw him last night on Global and I believe he will be a good addition, he certainly seems eager. It must be a big relief to land on ones feet after being sacked, especially in ones field of choice.

    I can only hope is objective and fair and balanced, Time will tell.

    Good Luck to him!

  2. Good to See Mr.Zussman land a GOOD position, in his field. The media “Bidness” has kept a good one, the rest I guess are now ………………….Real Estate Professionals


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