Oprah “Intrigued by the Idea” of Running for President




Gayle King said on ‘CBS This Morning’ that while Winfrey’s position hasn’t shifted, “You always have the right to change your mind.”

Amid churning speculation about whether or not Oprah Winfrey will throw her name into the running for the 2020 presidential campaign, the mogul’s closest friend, Gayle King, has waded into the conversation. Speaking on her show, CBS This Morning, on Tuesday, the cohost said while Winfrey’s official position hasn’t changed, she isn’t ruling it out just yet.

“I absolutely don’t think that her position has changed,” said King when pressed about the developing news story, which was sparked by Winfrey’s rousing Golden Globes speech (above) Sunday. “I was up talking to her very late last night. I do think this though, guys: I do think she’s intrigued by the idea, I do think that. I also know that after years of watching the Oprah show, you always have the right to change your mind.”

King went on to say that she doesn’t think Winfrey is “actually considering” it at this point, but that “there are people who said they want to be her campaign manager, who want to quit their jobs and campaign for her.” Adding of her close pal, “She loves this country and would like to be of service in some way, but I don’t think she’s actively considering it at this time.”

King also clarified the headline-making response Winfrey’s longtime partner Stedman Graham had given on Golden Globes night, which fanned the flames. He told the L.A. Times: “It’s up to the people. She would absolutely do it,” but King said he was responding to the question, “Would she make a good president?” — not, “Will she run?”

“Stedman would never so cavalierly say, ‘Absolutely she would do it, it’s up to the people,'” King clarified. “He would never do that.” Adding, “He is nothing but supportive, but he would never just throw it out there like that.”

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  1. I don’t see Oprah running for President. She’d be in way over her head, even if the Democrats and the liberal media gave her the same massive amount of help they gave Hillary back in 2016, and her touchy-feely ways would not go over with anyone outside of the same fan base that followed her talk show.

  2. She doesnt need a job. Having said that, why on earth would she want to take on this task of trying to be nominated. A black woman running against Trump would make for great theater, but if she loses, it will blow the wind out of 60 million people who need or want a woman winning in 2020. Big gamble! Maybe 50 million racists in the U.S.

  3. A former Toronto mayor had his seedy underbelly of a life exposed and was forced to resign. But he was a right-wing white male, therefore he needs to be perfect and beyond reproach. A black woman with a much worse past life and apparently racist opinions about white people (still the largest demographic) in her current life is paraded among the media elites to be presented as a future president. No double standard here …

  4. Rob 50 Million racists in the US? There are racists on both sides but I think the media and many Canadians have the wrong opinion of the US demographic portraying them as a bunch of racist hicks. Truth is Obama would never have been elected once let alone twice if it wasn’t for the white vote.

  5. Yeah Mark, the guilty, self-loathing, liberal, politically correct white vote. Their next step to smug enlightenment was to elect the woman president some people “needed” but that didn’t work out as planned! Clear headed voters, not racists as Mark likes to label them, said Lets get back to reality.


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