Media Matters Using Roy Moore Allegations To Go After Hannity’s Advertisers – Keurig Apologizes For ‘Taking Sides’


by Peter Hasson

November 13, 2017



Left-wing activist group Media Matters, funded by George Soros is using scandalous allegations surrounding Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore as a new weapon in their months-long campaign to oust Fox News host Sean Hannity by pressuring sponsors into pulling their advertisements.

Moore is accused of making sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl while he was a 32-year-old attorney, in addition to pursuing romantic (although not sexual) relationships with other teenage girls around the same time.

Media Matters operatives are smearing Hannity to his sponsors, accusing him of defending child sex abuse. (Hannity has explicitly said that anyone guilty of what Moore is accused of doing has no place in politics.)

Media Matters helped pressure several advertisers into pulling their ads from “Hannity” over the weekend. In one instance, Angelo Carusone, Media Matters’ president, tagged a sponsor of Hannity’s show while claiming that Hannity defends “sexually preying on children.”


Read More with Video HERE


Keurig Apologizes For ‘Taking Sides’ In Hannity Boycott

Keurig CEO Bob Gamgort apologized to his employees on Monday for ostensibly “taking sides” in a Media Matters-led boycott of Sean Hannity’s advertisers.

Media Matters president Angelo Carusone spent his weekend tweeting at Hannity’s advertisers and falsely accusing the Fox News host of defending sexual predators. Hannity has said repeatedly that Senate candidate Roy Moore has no place in politics if the allegations that he is a predator are true.

Read More HERE


  1. Media Matters, Soros, HRC, Tom Steyer and so many other Elite Liberals are still fighting the last U.S. Federal Election!

    I find it rather interesting that about the only Old Guy that there is any confirmed proof/evidence of in the way of Criminal Sex Assault seems to be against one Bill Clinton, yet those same Liberal Elites along with Kimmel, Colbert, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NY Times, WAPO, and the rest don’t seem to want to discuss anything negative about Bubba!

    Where was Gloria Alrud when Bill Clinton Accusers were looking for Representation and Guidance?

    Kind of odd don’t you think?

  2. Another liberal/leftist nothing burger…

    But here is something, go to Youtube, type in search, Creepy Joe Biden, watch the videos about him and his inappropriate actions concerning young ladies and little girls.

  3. Les H.

    I had a look at “Creepy Joe” and the Title fits!

    I found the segment where AG Sessions brushed away Creepy Joe Bindens hand away from the Child very telling!

    I wonder if we will hear or see anything about Biden on CNN, Wapo, NY Times, MSNBC or on ANY other SJW Democrat Supporting Network or Publication

  4. I think Joe Biden is getting a rough ride from the Right now is because he may be running in three years time. Trump is vulnerable, not working on expanding his base. The Trumpers are worrying about Biden, so attack early and often. And BMCQ, the Republicans are still blaming Obama for everything wrong in the U.S. today. It all depends on which way you lean.

  5. Rob

    I simply went to You Tube and viewed Video attached by Freddy.

    FYI – Biden is now about 75 years old, he would be about 78 years old next U.S. Fed Election Date, if you think he will be in that contest you are kidding yourself.

    Keep in mind that it was only a few years ago that Failed POTUS Obama held the House, the Senate, and had about 38 of 50 State Governors as Dems. After the last 2016 Nov Election the Republicans held the House, the Senate, and now have 34 Governorships, the Dems 14, and Ind. 1. Now I wonder just how POTUS really was?

    You are watching far too much CNN – Clinton News Network!

    BTW – Ronald Reagan was 77 his last day in Office, Creepy Uncle Joe will be older than that when the next Presidential Election takes place.

    I believe the Dems will need to make do with a Booker/WARREN Ticket next time around.

    Al “Scissor Hands” Franken was doing his best to put himself into contention for a Presidential /Run but that Ship Sunk Today!

    How do we Spell Hypocrite?

    Jeff Sessions was heard to say, “Karma Al, Karma”!


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