THE Voice of BC Tel, BC Ferries & CHQM Bill Phillips, has passed away


Very sorry to hear via Northwest Broadcasters’ recent news page that one of Vancouver radio’s alltime best voices, Bill Phillips, has lost his 9-year battle with multiple myeloma.  He died Thursday afternoon after months of being unable to speak.

Bill’s broadcast itinerary is republished below courtesy of Gord Lansdell and his excellent Vancouver Broadcasters website.

 News anchor/program host CBC Radio and TV Vancouver 1958-60; program host/news anchor CHAN-TV Vancouver 1960-62; DJ/newsman/commentator CHQM-AM/FM Vancouver 1963-72; DJ/commentator CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1979-81; DJ/news editor CHQM 1982-93; relief news anchor CIGV-FM Penticton 1994-98; freelance voice until recently; freelance writer Penticton Herald to 1999; writer, blogger and ghost writier of non-fiction books on Internet Okanagan Falls 2000-2017. 

A celebration of life has not yet been scheduled.


  1. I thought I had a pretty good vocabulary until I met Bill Phillips at CHQM AM/FM. Not only an English vocabulary but last time I checked, he had an excellent vocabulary in 7 different languages. Including Russian!
    Bill never complained in any of the emails he and I exchanged. We worked together for almost 23 years. We also divided the work out of BC Tel for many years. He did the landlines and I handled the mobile service. He was, a very interesting man and one of many facets. He will be missed.
    RIP Bill.

  2. Sad news.

    For this young (1966) BCIT broadcast student, he exemplified “the best” talent behind a microphone. Someone to emulate.


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