Old Farts Club gathering in Seattle for 2017

O.F.C. 2017. — with John Maynard, Burl Barer, Pat O’Day, Gary Crow, George Toles, Mark Bolland, Sue Mezich, Gregg Hersholt, Klem Daniels, Michael Alhadeff, Gary Spinnell, Carol-Lee Perkins, Sean Lynch, Dick Curtis, Eric Dawes, Joe Micheals, Stan Foreman, Stan Foreman, Steve West, Ned Neltner and Mezon-susan.


  It’s The Old Farts Club 

from Seattle Radio Legend Pat O’Day’s facebook page 

A wonderful annual event is our luncheon of former and current radio personalities and record industry stars of the past. For example. at the left end of the photo John Maynard, next to Burl Barer, next to Gary Crow, I’m on the end sitting with George Tolles who was the PA voice of The Sonics their entire Seattle life. It’s called The Old Farts Club and among other things, we recall those of us who have left this world. Folks like Lan Roberts, Mike Phillips, Jerry Kay, Larry Lujack, and many more. Great fun, great performers, all whom have contributed so much to Seattle.

New to the group our 1st female inductee Sue Mezich who was also the 1st female record rep in Seattle. Also inducted but missing this year are Tom Hutyler, voice of the Mariners and KOMO as well as Steve Slayton from KISW and currently KZOK.

What about World Famous Tom Murphy?  Pat tells us Tom is alive and well, just unable to make it up to Seattle from his home in Los Angeles this year.

A reminder, Pat O’Day will be joining his long time friend Red Robinson, on Red’s last show on CISL, that’s Sunday August 27, 2017




  1. What is Dick Curtis doing these days I miss hearing him on Pure Gold Rock and ROLL. I wish Pat O Day would do the hydro-planes again I miss hearing both of you would get back into radio again.


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