Fox News makes INCREDIBLE hire…




In previous weeks, Fox News made headlines because of who was leaving the network, losing one of its most visible and well-known talents. However, in the wake of President Trump taking office, now Fox News is generating buzz with a big new hire for prime time.


Nigel Farage





Today, it was revealed Fox News is adding British UKIP leader Nigel Farage as a political pundit. From the Daily Mail:

Nigel Farage has been hired by the American Fox News Channel as a pundit, it was announced today. 



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  1. As I said elsewhere on this site, FOX is too far right, but CNN gets blamed for being too far left.
    Having the media get back to balanced reporting, on both sides of the 49th, is highly desirable.

  2. Terry, you have it all wrong. Its not about being left or right, its about LYING. CNN has been caught time and again Lying to their viewers. Why you have such a problem understanding this boggles my mind.

  3. Alan, I’m not defending CNN as I don’t watch it, but if you some how think Fox reporting has been at all truthful/factual, or coherent over the years then you are absolutely delusional. The fake/fabricated moniker applied to Fox years ago before it became today’s knee jerk reaction.


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