Rob Brimacombe promoted to Manager, Retail Sales for Corus Vancouver

Robert Brimacombe


Corus Vancouver Announcement – Rob Brimacombe


It is with great pride that we announce that Rob Brimacombe has been promoted to Manager, Retail Sales for Corus Vancouver effective today.  The depth of Rob’s skillset in both Radio and Television, coupled with an extensive broadcast sales managerial background made Rob the right fit for our team.


Rob’s media career began with a Broadcast Journalism Diploma from BCIT and on-air/reporter jobs with CHNL Kamloops and CKPG Radio/TV in Prince George.  He detoured to Media Relations at EXPO 86 and then a return to BCIT for a Diploma in Marketing Management.  Rob began his media sales career in radio at CFOX and LG73.


Rob then moved to the International arena, living in Hong Kong and Singapore for 10 years.  His time in Asia was spent in the fast-growing Specialty Television business across 10 Asian countries.  Rob served in Sales Management positions with the STAR TV Network of channels and Discovery Networks Asia.    Rob and his family returned to Vancouver and Corus Radio in 2002 and he spent 6 and 7 years respectively as General Sales Manager for CKNW and News1130.


Rob and his wife, June have two teenagers and live in Burnaby.  When he’s not working or with the family, he’s Coaching Midget hockey with Burnaby Minor.


Please welcome Rob into his new role effective today.



Paul Ackerman  |  Director Local Sales BC |

| T. 604-422-6556  C. 604-417-9551pa***********@co******.com

Corus Entertainment Inc.  |  |




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