Greta Van Susteren is Out at Fox News


Brit Hume takes over “On the Record” immediately

by Brian Flood, | September 6, 2016 @ 6:49 AM

Greta Van Susteren is exiting Fox News after 14 years, the cable news network announced Tuesday.

Brit Hume will takeover for Van Susteren to anchor “On the Record” starting on Tuesday, and will continue on a regular basis through the presidential election.

“We are grateful for Greta’s many contributions over the years and wish her continued success,” Fox News co-presidents Jack Abernethy and Bill Shine said in a joint statement.

Van Susteren, who was an outspoken defender of former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, exits the network on the same day the company settled a sexual harassment lawsuit against Gretchen Carlson. Back on July 8, before Ailes stepped down, Van Susteren told TheWrap: “If there were something weird going on … I would have heard it.”
Last month, Van Susteren fired back at people who criticize her for defending Ailes.

“Let’s first get something straight: I did not sexually harass anyone (of course.). And second, I did not know about any sexual harassment and keep it secret,” Van Susteren wrote on her GretaWire blog.

Hume joined Fox News in 1996 and is “happy to take on this assignment for the balance of this extraordinary election.”


George H.W. Bush, Greta and Bill Clinton
from her facebook page  Greta Van Susteren

and we Quote…

Yes, I have left the Fox News Channel.

On Thursday night, I made my decision and informed Fox News of my decision that I was leaving Fox News Channel per my contract.

Fox has not felt like home to me for a few years and I took advantage of the clause in my contract which allows me to leave now. The clause had a time limitation, meaning I could not wait.

I love my staff, I love my colleagues, and I love the crews. That is the hardest part of this decision as they are wonderful people.

And most of all? I love the viewers — even the ones who have gotten mad at me over the years and taken swipes. 🙂

I hope to continue my career in broadcasting.



  1. The interesting thing about this, is yesterday on Greta’s facebook page, she said she had been considering going on Hillary’s health and sought input from her facebook friends, who responded overwhelmingly in favour. And now today…. good bye Greta!
    After viewing Hillary’s 4 minute coughing spell yesterday, its obvious, something is seriously wrong with Mrs. Clinton. She jokes that its a Trump allergy. Check it out
    and then again on her new plane, talking with reporters
    notice the black doctor has re-appeared once again

  2. If Brit could just learn to smile more, he’d be a fine permanent replacement. Too often he’s got the hangdog look of someone waiting for a proctology exam. C’mon Brit, things aren’t that bad!

    I never quite figured out why, other than money, Greta ditched CNN for FOX. You never got the feeling she was a natural fit for the War-Against-Christmas network. With her legal background, she’d be a natural to return to CNN and replace Ashleigh Banfield’s morning show that had a legal-affairs orientation.


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