Victoria Daily Claims Growth in Readership


 by Dave Obee, Editor in Chief, Victoria Times Colonist 

May 7, 2016

As a reader of the Times Colonist, you are not alone. About 80 per cent of adults in the capital region read us, in print or online, each week.

The latest survey by Vividata — the organization that measures newspaper and magazine readership in Canada — reveals that the Times Colonist is being read by 31,000 more people than when the last survey was done. That gives us a total of 244,000 readers, in print or digitally, each week.

From Sooke to Sidney, 205,000 adults read the print edition of the Times Colonist every week. That’s 67 per cent of adults, and an increase of 12,000 readers.

About 130,000 adults read the Times Colonist website on their desktop, laptop and mobile devices every week. Forty-two per cent of adults in the region are reading us in a digital format.

These numbers show that, despite the challenges facing the media these days, the readership of the Times Colonist is as strong as ever — and, in fact, it is growing. That is good news for the newspaper, but also good news for the community, since the Times Colonist plays a valuable role in keeping people informed.

The readership numbers provide more evidence that we are here to stay, for a long time to come.

The strong readership is also good news for advertisers who help to bring the newspaper to doors throughout the region every morning. Not to put too fine a point on it, but our increased readership means more bang for the advertising dollar.

The Times Colonist, in print or digital forms, is read by 128,000 adult women, or 81 per cent of all women in the region. That is an increase of 21,000 readers, or 14 per cent, since the survey taken in 2013. This newspaper is read by 116,000 male readers, or 78 per cent of all men in the region. That is an increase of 10,000, or seven per cent, since the last survey.

In households with an income of $75,000 or more, 81 per cent of the adults read the Times Colonist in print or online. That group includes 117,000 readers, up by 21,000 since the last survey — an increase of 17 per cent.

The numbers were compiled, as I mentioned, by Vividata, a new measuring organization created by the amalgamation of the Print Measurement Bureau, which used to focus on Canadian magazine readership, and NADbank, which looked at newspaper readership.

At the Times Colonist, we see our success as a reflection of our emphasis on what is happening in Greater Victoria. Thanks for your continuing support.

The bottom line: The Times Colonist remains committed to providing the most comprehensive coverage of news and events in this area.


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  1. So, roughly, there’s a total population of 350,000 in Greater Victoria… and 244,000 read the TC?

    That’s great if it’s true, but it seems high. Does the number include people who passively come across the odd article posted on Facebook or some other social media? Because I would totally believe that 244,000 people in the CRD are somehow exposed to the TC over the course of a year. But 80% of the population actively reading the paper every week seems surprising.


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