CRTC Rejects Golden West & Clear Sky applications




This past week the CRTC denied applications from Golden West and Clear Sky for a new station in Sylvan Lake.

Although the Commision came to other conclusions contrary to the current economic climate in Alberta, no doubt both Golden West and Clear Sky are feeling somewhat relieved with this decision more so because of the downturn in the economy what with oil prices dropping to less than 50% which has no doubt been dismal timing for the New Democrats who became government in the province last spring. Word has it Red Deer radio station revenues are down 20-30% and reports are its getting pretty ugly out there!. As with a number of markets such as Red Deer which have more radio stations than they know what to do with, the same applies to other markets such as Kelowna. Point being, there is only so much of the pie to be sliced.

CRTC decision HERE








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