Gunman Shoots His Way Into Radio Station

A gunman shot his way into New Orleans radio station WBOK studios Friday night, WVUE Fox 8 News reported. No one was injured in the incident, and WBOK employees said police arrested a man after first failing to detect him inside the building. (WVUE Fox 8 News


Monday September 21st, 2015


The New Orleans Times-Picayune’s website,, and other published reports say a lone gunman shot his way through the front door of urban talker WBOK on Friday night (9/18).

No one was injured, no motive has been suggested, and a suspect was apprehended at the scene. According to the newspaper a board operator, Kendall Wilson, called police after hearing a popping sound, then seeing a man at the front door entrance of the Bakewell Media-owned Big Easy talk station that targets New Orleans’ African-American community.

Conflicting reports say the intruder was not found on a first search of the building by the cops, but was later apprehended after Wilson noticed bloody footprints on the floor, causing an officer still on the scene to re-search the building and take the suspect into custody.

Read the full story HERE.


(Editor’s Note: The incident at WBOK serves as yet another reminder that your radio station facilities must be secured against potential intruders during all hours, 24/7. And as the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense. Have a plan in place and review it with your people. NTS MediaOnline Today suggests using this news story as a teaching moment — something to spark discussion with your staffers about what they should (and should not) do if an event such as this ever happened at your facility.)





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