Red Deer Radio Ratings… Spring 2015


TOP-LINE RADIO STATISTICS Red Deer CTRL Source: Numeris (BBM Canada) Survey Period: Radio Diary Survey March 2-April 26, 2015 Demographic: A12+ Area: 8079 (Red Deer Ctrl) Daypart: Monday-Sunday 5am-1am

Station                Format                Share         Central Reach         Trend

CKIK FM            KRAZE                13.8                   17.5                     +5.2

CHUB FM           Big105                12.6                   19.6                    +1.4

CKGY FM           Country              11.7                    16.9                    -8.7

CJUV FM           Classic Hits        11.0                    14.2                  +2.0

CKRI FM               CRUZ                  7.9                     11.2                   +2.1

CIZZ FM                  Rock                  7.8                      14.5                  -5.5

CFDV                    The Drive            6.9                      11.5                  -2.0

TERMS Universe – Estimated Population of the Central Market Area. Spring 2015 Central (Ctrl) Market Area – A Numeris defined geographical area, usually centred around one urban centre. The definition of a Central Market Area generally corresponds to Statistics Canada Census Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomeration, Cities, Counties, Census Divisions or Regional Districts. Share – Within the central market area, the estimated total hours tuned to that station expressed as a percentage of total hours tuned to all radio. Central (Ctrl) Reach – The estimated number of different people, within the central market area, who tuned to that station for at least one quarter hour during the week.




  1. Ouch…Newcap stations took big hits.
    And, Abbey White is no longer the PD at CKGY.
    Coincidence or….?

  2. The Important thing is the money numbers….. A25 to 54 and full Central Alberta trading area (8080 CD 8 & 9) the numbers that are shown are 12+ Central area (City of Red Deer only) when you look at the big picture it changes things…not to take anything away from those stations that did well in Red Deer city area they have come a long way in the last couple of years. I was sorry to hear about Abby White he is a good broadcaster and will be missed by many in Red Deer

    With 7 stations in this market (Plus CBC not on survey + spill from Edmonton and Calgary) someone is going to loose in both ad revenue and audience

    let the games begin!


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