Talk Radio Hosts Making Nationwide News


After the story broke last week about Memories Pizza, a small midwest family restaurant that was receiving death threats and negative media attention for their support of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration



April 6th, 2015

ActRadio America syndicated Talk radio host and The Blaze TV personality Dana Loesch (above)  and her producer created a ‘Go Fund Me’ account to help “relieve the financial loss endured by the proprietors’ stand for faith.” After coverage on Dana’s television show, her Radio America program and an appearance on Fox News Channel’s The Kelly File, the donations grew quickly, resulting in over $840,000 to help the family restaurant. Watch Dana’s interview with the pizza shop’s owner HERE.

Meanwhile, on Good Friday (4/3)NBC Nightly News traveled toSalem Media Group’s Christian teaching and talker, AM 570 The Mission (WMCA/New York). to highlight NBC’s mini-series, A.D.: The Bible Continues. Salem SVP Spoken Word Programming Phil Boyce — who is also  VP/Operations for the company’s New York region — reports that NBC interviewed Dr. A.R. Bernard (pictured), host of Faith in Practice, who was sharing his thoughts with his million-plus listeners on the mini-series and the continuing rise and commercial success of faith-based entertainment programming on television, in films and on the radio. Watch the full report HERE.


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