BCIT Broadcast 50th Anniversary Reunion!



By Brian Antonson
March 19th, 2015

With the BCIT Broadcast 50th Anniversary REUNION coming up, organizers were thrilled to have Michael Easton of Puget Sound Radio offer them display space on the widely-read PSR page. And they were pleased to offer some contra in return: BCIT campus radio station Evolution 1079 now is running a series of ads promoting PSR!

When BCIT opened its doors in 1964, there were just over a dozen training programs offered, and the Broadcast Communications department was one of them. So as BCIT itself celebrates its 50th anniversary in the 2014/2015 school year, today’s Broadcast and Media Communications department has joined forces with the BCIT Alumni Association to hold a huge all-years Reunion…set for May 8th at the Hilton Hotel on Kingsway in Burnaby. Thousands of grads have trained in the department’s programs over five decades, so a huge turnout is anticipated.

Many high profile broadcasters got their start in this business, both on the air and in a wide variety of behind the scenes positions. Some of the originals have retired after long careers in the business, others moved on to new opportunities as they came along, and new graduates continue to join the ranks in the industry. All have had the common background of training in excellent facilities and learning from leading broadcast educators over the decades. A new video profiles some graduates who attribute their success to the solid foundation they received at BCIT.

Word is spreading rapidly as the Reunion gets closer by the day. Tickets, at $25 each, are required. Information is available here on this facebook link:  HERE

or Registration Landing page HERE

Puget Sound Radio thanks Brian Antonson for contributing this article

Brian Antonson – BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; production and on-air CKNW New Westminster 1967-77 (Production Director 1974-77); Production Director CJOB Winnipeg 1970; Radio Instructor British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby 1977-82; Radio Program Head BCIT 1982-85; Associate Dean, Broadcast BCIT 1985-90; General Manager CFVR Abbotsford 1990-92; Associate Dean, Broadcast and Media Communications BCIT 1992-2010; retired 2010; president 2014 BC Winter Games 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile

Courtesy of VancouverBroadcasters.com



  1. As a BCIT Broadcast alum — why is it that there was nothing sent out regarding this? I saw it on various sites or via facebook… but nothing was mailed to me — yet the BCIT Alumni hasn’t had any problems sending out their magazine all the time…
    FYI – great re-union for those in the industry, but for those who are not…. what is the point?? Sure I would love to come out and see those I worked with in the past (if they remember me).. but it sounds like a clique event for those in the industry.

  2. Hey there, AWOL: I’m not directly involved in the promotion of this one…I retired almost five years ago now…but I DO know the organizers are using contemporary technology and promotional methodology to get out the word…and from what I hear, the results speak for themselves…they’re very pleased with the response. As the years pass, email and snail mail addresses change, but so many people are connected today via social media that it’s a natural, and people who are NOT users of social media know people who ARE, and the word…obviously…is spreading far and wide. I know from my experience in other reunions that the Alumni Association has ongoing struggles trying to maintain a current database of addresses. If they’ve been able to stay connected with you…as with me!…that’s a good thing. So…bottom line on that…the folks who are organizing this one are doing a grand job!

    As for your “what’s the point” mention, the point simply is to get together with former classmates and industry colleagues. MANY MANY grads have gone on to careers in other fields, some related, some not, but there’s no shame in that at all. Industry employment is NOT a prerequisite for coming along to enjoy an evening with old buds. Over the years, I’ve talked many a person in your situation into coming to a reunion…and they’ve enjoyed themselves immensely. So…c’mon along. I have no doubt you’ll enjoy….

  3. Thanks for posting this, and for your comments to AWOL. Hey, I think as a former bcit student, or a student of any reunion is great! The fact there appears to be some notables going to be in attendance makes it all more appealing. AWOL you can actually rub noses with a few of the elites, as well as see many many others who attended during your time on campus who probably now say today, whatever happened to ?
    get my point? show up, I really believe you’ll benefit far more than you realize

  4. I was in Brian’s first FULL TIME class in 1977 — sorry B.. we are both THAT OLD, and after 36 years in DA BIz, dear AWOL, “change is good donkey”….
    I have bounced from radio to teaching (broadcast) to fundraising to Voiceprint to radio to now ….video/film and new media.

    BUT , I still want to reconnect with the crazies cuz we all still have the passion.

    I can prove that right now…

    you posted your interest on this blog….

  5. Excellent point, Donny! When it’s in your blood, it’s in your blood, whether you’re working in the industry or not. If you’re drawn to sites like PSR to check out what’s going on in the biz, you’re hooked, and you might as well come along to the Reunion and celebrate with the rest of us who are hopelessly addicted! See ya there on the 8th….


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