February 24, 2015 2:28 PM

Keith Olbermann (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)
BRISTOL, Conn. (CBSNewYork/AP) — Keith Olbermann has come under fire … again.
Olbermann was taken off his ESPN show for the rest of the week after making insulting comments about Penn State students on Twitter.
On Monday, a Penn State alum tweeted to Olbermann the phrase “We Are!” and a link to an article about students raising more than $13 million to fight pediatric cancer. Olbermann replied “…Pitiful.”
Olbermann, who often spars with commenters on Twitter, then refused to back down in several more tweets, saying he was referring to Penn State students in general and not the fundraising.
“It was completely inappropriate and does not reflect the views of ESPN,” the network said in a statement Tuesday. “We have discussed it with Keith, who recognizes he was wrong. ESPN and Keith have agreed that he will not host his show for the remainder of this week and will returnon Monday. The annual tradition of THON and the efforts of the students of Penn State to fight pediatric cancer should be applauded.”
Olbermann also apologized on Twitter on Tuesday.
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Such an ass; why did they ever bring him back?
Because he gets ratings, why else?
I’m surprised people still don’t get this.
And how will he get ratings this week?
you aren’t very smart are you.
I’m sure ESPN will be looking to you to give them advice on how to run their network. It appears they’re struggling