What Do You Want Listeners To Do When They Come To Your Radio Station’s Website?

  • NEXT STEP with Seth Resler

  • courtesy AllAccess.com   February 10, 2015
  • What do you want listeners to do when they come to your radio station’s website?This sounds like a very basic question, but has your radio station really given it any thought? Or does it just have a website because everybody has a website? What is your station’s website trying to accomplish?Many broadcasters will answer this question by saying, “When they come to my station’s website, I want them to listen to my radio station.” Well, duh. But that’s a silly answer because it ignores the fact that people have turned on their computers (or smartphones or tablets) and not their radios. When people turn on their microwaves, lawn mowers, and pool sweepers, I’m sure you also want them to listen to your radio station, but that’s irrelevant to the circumstances.So let’s spell out the question more clearly: When listeners come to your website, what do you want them to do with your website?There is no single correct answer to this question. You may want them to sign up for your email list, click on an advertisement, buy tickets to your station concert, or fill out an online form requesting information about advertising. All of these could be your website’s “goals.” Your station may have multiple goals. The important thing here is to explicitly define them. Everybody on your staff, from air talent to account executives, should understand and agree what the goals of the station’s website are.Every time a visitor completes one of these goals, it is called a “conversation.” Different conversions will have different values. For example, if somebody buys a ticket to your concert, that conversion may be worth $19.99. On the other hand, an advertising inquiry could be worth a lot more, while an email signup could be worth much less. In addition to explicitly defining your stations goals, it is important to determine the value of each conversion.To do this, you will have to measure your conversions. For example, say 10% of all advertising inquiries result in new clients, and the average advertising spend is $10,000. This means that each inquiry is worth approximately $1,000. Your radio station can use a tool like Google Analytics to measure and assign value to different goals and conversions.Finally, your radio station should regularly review the website data and make changes accordingly. For example, if you find that access to exclusive artist interviews drives more email registrations than concert ticket giveaways, you may want to focus your efforts on lining up interviews.To get the most out of your website, here’s what you need to do:
    1. Define your goals.
    2. Assign value to each conversion.
    3. Measure.
    4. Review regularly and react.

    NEXT STEP: How to Measure Your Radio Station’s Website with Google Analytics.

– See more at: http://www.allaccess.com/next-steps/archive/21069/what-do-you-want-listeners-to-do-when-they-come-to?ref=mail_news#sthash.vq5jRZRm.dpuf


  1. For one, stations need to stop using cookie cutter sites and providing the same garbage content on every station. There is no local content or local dialogue going on. Nothing that says this station is local and cares. FIX IT! This is why people don’t give a rats backside about station web sites. In fact station sites used to be better back in the day.


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