Our very own ProSalesGuy Dave Warawa makes Forbes!!!
Communication Lessons From A Sales Trainer: Stop Talking And Start Listening
How do I improve my communication skills? As a therapist, I get asked that question regularly. And the answer isn’t usually about learning to be more assertive or learning how to explain things more clearly. Instead, the secret to better communication is all about improved listening skills.
Improved communication skills could go a long way in the business world as well. How many times have you been cut off by a salesperson who insists on telling you what you need, rather than asking what you’re looking for? Or how often has your time been wasted by an associate who insists on explaining something that you already know?
I recently had an opportunity to speak with Dave Warawa, a leading Sales Trainer and Business Consultant in Western Canada. He’s a firm believer that listening is the most powerful form of influence and he’s even written a book about it, called Shut Up! Stop Talking and Start Making Money.
Although his book is geared toward salespeople, many of the skills and tips he offers are applicable to improving communication skills in other areas as well. Warawa makes it clear that many communication mistakes in the sales industry stem from trying to make others understand us, rather than trying to understand them (something that is often a problem in couples therapy as well).
Read More from the Forbes article HERE
And don’t forget Puget Sound Radio and ProSalesGuy Dave Warawa will be holding a ‘FREE’ Webinar right here on PSR, next Wednesday February the 4th at High Noon
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