Lonzo and Oscar with Today’s Advent Calendar of Laughter


By Donovan Tildesley


December the 17th…


Lonzo and Oscar – Jangle Bells

I’ve been asked how I decide on my musical selection for each day.
Contrary to what some may think, this feature was NOT all mapped out prior to December 1. As a rule I’m a decidedly last-minute person.

You’ve seen him before. The guy running at top-speed toward the gate just as the flight attendant is giving the final boarding call. And yes, the guy who is still doing his Christmas shopping online just seven sleeps before the Big Day. Yes that is me! And despite being blind and in a rush, I’m not particularly accident prone. Unlike the protagonists of today’s Holiday selection. I don’t know what it is about country music, but I can’t help but crack a smile at even the most serious subjects. Perhaps its all in the “twang”? I first heard this track on “Richardson’s Roundup” on CBC Radio One back in 2001, and had downloaded it into my collection within minutes.




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