The Unmaking of Ghomeshi .. 5pm (Today) Sat. on CBC’s ‘Fifth Estate’



He was the breakout success the CBC needed and there was a time Jian Ghomeshi was everywhere – on radio, TV, hosting award galas and specials. Still there were whispers and allegations…. Ghomeshi was arrested on sex assault charges Wednesday but for years he seemed untouchable. Did his stardom blind people to what was going on ? CBC insiders tell the story of what really happened. The fifth estate investigates The Unmaking of Jian Ghomeshi.  Tonight at 9 pm Pacific .. repeated on the CBC News Network Saturday at 5 pm Pacific.


  1. Kudos to Gillian Findlay and the production staff of ‘The Fifth Estate’ for holding the CBC exec’s feet to the fire. It took some kahones to air such a critical report of how the Ghomeshi affair was mishandled.

    BTW .. there are repeat airings of this show on Sunday at 4 pm Pacific on the CBC News Network .. and at 11:30 pm local time on the main CBC net,

  2. Be very WARY of one “wing” of the government (like the Fifth Estate) conducting “good housekeeping seal of approval” investigations on other departments of the mother corp.

    It’s all a ruse designed to make the CBC top brass look good.

    Sorry, but the 5th Estate has absolutely ZERO objectivity in the matter of Ghomeshi, since all of their employees of 5th estate also receive their paychecks from the CBC.

    Meanwhile, many of CBC’s top employees have already “convicted” Ghomeshi in their own editorials ? Rex Murphy and Michael Enright among them.

    Are these editorialists whistleblowers or simply ass-kissers with a pipeline to the CBC brass, perhaps jealous of a former colleague who got better ratings than them ?

    IF it were possible, CTV’s W Five would be far more objective in their findings of investigating the CBC, but since they are also the competition to CBC, they are in a conflict of interest.

    So is the Toronto Star for that matter.

    That leaves the union and the cops left to do their work.

    We will see if justice is finally done for the victims. I doubt it.

    Meanwhile, why did it take months or years to fire Ghomeshi !

    I guess that there is a rule for the so called “celebrated” media person who makes money for the corp. and then, a more tighter leash for the rest of us “normal” media slops.

    Reminds me of the song….”All that money… must make a succulent sound…. Welcome to the Boomtown.”

    Isn’t that right, Peter Mansbridge.

  3. Clearly Just saying you did not watch the CBC’s Unmaking of Ghomeshi. Some very pointed, tough questions asked by Gillian Findlay to the man in charge of CBC Radio.

    My take away after watching is to ask, how does this guy still have a job?

    Just saying , maybe it’s a big old fat media conspiracy after all 🙂


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