TV Journalist Runs for Mayor of Victoria


Stephen Andrew Makes it Eight in the Race 

by Bill Cleverley,  Victoria Times Colonist
October 10, 2014

Stephen Andrew_5698.jpg
Billing himself as someone who has never been afraid to ask tough questions, broadcaster Stephen Andrew entered the Victoria mayoral contest Friday with a campaign launch at Centennial Square.

“We need to answer those questions about what’s been going on in the mayor’s office, questions that up until now have been avoided, not even asked, or perhaps more importantly, not answered,” Andrew said to about 50 onlookers and supporters.

Andrew’s candidacy brings the number of mayoral candidates to eight. The others are incumbent Mayor Dean Fortin, Coun. Lisa Helps, former Liberal cabinet minister Ida Chong, Rob Duncan who is running as Changes the Clown, Riga Godron, Jason Dean Ross and David Shebib, who is planning to be on the mayoral ballot in all 13 capital region municipalities.

While Andrew brings with him name recognition and has to be considered a serious candidate, the challenge will be to distinguish himself from others in the race, said Michael Prince, University of Victoria Lansdowne professor of social policy. “If his main issues are going to be echoes of what other people are saying, it might actually split the ‘anybody but Fortin’ vote and give the mayor a little bit of hope and encouragement he’ll get re-elected,” Prince said.

“In any competition, when you start to get three or four names in there of credible candidates, an incumbent has got to start liking his or her chances of squeaking through again.”

Running a mayoralty race in Victoria can be expensive. Three years ago Fortin filed election expenses of about $76,000.

Stephen, who was introduced at his campaign launch by accountant Derrold Norgaard, said campaign financing will not be an issue. “I have no concerns about money,” Andrew said.


CLOCKWATCHER ADDS: Stephen Andrew has been turning up on Victoria TV screens for the past 15 years, beginning as a community reporter on Shaw Cable, and host of a weekly news review panel, before being hired at what is now CTV Vancouver Island.  He quickly became the senior reporter there, the guy who did the most investigative reporting, before being pink slipped about two years ago, in an obvious round of cost cutting.  Since then he has been freelancing, mostly on CBC Radio and CHEK-TV.


  1. Victoria needs a change at City Hall and Andrews is a pretty straight shooter. His interview on CBC radio wasn’t the evasive kind of talk you get from the incumbent. Ralph Klein shook up Calgary, maybe Stephen Andrew is the guy to shake up Victoria.

  2. Being a tv announcer doesn’t guarantee you didly squat.

    Stephen Andrew will end up either being another Ralph Klein or a Barb Higgins (loser?)

    We have a tv announcer running for Mayor, as well (Colin Basran).

    No straight talk from Basran, All hot air, promises, and nothing remarkable in his sound bytes.

    At least Mr. Andrew worked for a while in tv.

    Basran is only a one term councillor and even less time as a tv announcer.

    Be very wary of those who didn’t pay their dues on the way to the altar.


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