Study Finds US Radio Does Not Get Fair Share of Ad Dollars

  • courtesy September 19, 2014 at 3:55 AM (PT
  • emarketer2.jpg
  • Does radio get its fair share of advertising spending?
  • No, finds new data from eMARKETER.
  • In the study, digital and radio received less ad dollars than their time spent would indicate. TV and print received more dollars than they should.
  • Media Time Spent Share Ad Spending Share
    Digital 47.2% 30.5%
    TV 37.3% 41.2%
    Radio 12.0% 9.3%
    Print  3.5% 19.0%


  • The research, which focused on FACEBOOK, found that U.S. adults will spend an average of 21 minutes each day on FACEBOOK in 2014. Those 21 minutes account for one-third of the time U.S. adults spend each day on social networks, 6.0% of time they spend with digital devices and 2.8% of average daily time spent with all media.
  • Average time spent per day with all major media among U.S. adults will increase by 21 minutes from 2013, according to eMARKETER, totaling 12 hours, 28 minutes in 2014.
  • Comparing time spent and ad spending on FACEBOOK site to site (or app to app, as the case often is), eMARKETER’s forecast also broke out time spent with PANDORA for the first time. In 2014, U.S. adults will spend 7.1% of their daily time listening to PANDORA. That’s not a misprint: For the average U.S. adult, daily time spent with PANDORA exceeds daily time spent on FACEBOOK. However, advertisers will only allocate 1.4% of their digital ad dollars to PANDORA, a fraction of what they devote to FACEBOOK.

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