Wall Street Journal: ‘Radio Remains King of the Road’

  • courtesy AllAccess.com September 5, 2014 at 7:08 AM (PT)
  • Good news for radio — even if the article calls us “old,” as THE WALL STREET JOURNAL writes, “People increasingly get their music through services like PANDORA or iTUNES, but that old codger — the radio — still rules the road.”A report published by EDISON RESEARCH and charted by STATISTA found, “more than half of Americans listen to AM/FM radio nearly every time they get in the car, while 86% listen to it at least some of the time,” and noted “that compares with just 13% who say that most of the time they listen to some form of digital music, such as through an iPHONE or MP3 player. More people — 15% — still listen to CDs when they’re driving. Digital-music use is higher when you look at people who say that they ‘ever’ listen to it, but radio and CDs still outpace all forms of digital music.”Another bragging point is that broadcast radio was found to still be the most common way for people to keep up with new music. “Some 75% say they listen to the radio to stay up to date, while 66% get new music from friends and family,” wrote THE JOURNAL. YOUTUBE and PANDORA come in third and fourth with 59% and 48%, respectively. Younger people, though, are more likely to use digital sources. YOUTUBE takes the top spot among 12-24 year olds, with 83% using the site to keep up with new music. Friends/Family and PANDORA are tied for the second spot with 71%. Even among young people, 65% still use radio to stay up to date.”

– See more at: http://www.allaccess.com/net-news/archive/story/133137/wsj-radio-remains-king-of-the-road?ref=mail_recap#sthash.2RLfhrvK.dpuf


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