Exclusive August PPM Analysis (& Demo Leaders) for Seattle-Tacoma

  • September 4, 2014 at 9:46 AM (PT)
  • courtesy AllAccess.com
  • Like sands of time through the hourglass, these are the ratings of our lives.  So begins round three of our ratings analysis, courtesy of XTRENDS and The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC.  We mix pure research-driven data analysis with a bit of snark.  For those keeping track at home, the AUGUST survey is partially correct as it covered 7/17 through 8/13.  A holiday-free zone but chock full of summertime distractions.  And, it looked something like this …
  • SEATTLE-TACOMA: Don’t MoveHUBBARD Top 40/M KQMV (MOVIN) did not budge from the top spot it took over last month (6.4-6.2) though its lead over #2 cluster mate HUBBARD AC KRWM (WARM) got a little smaller (5.7-5.8).  ENTERCOM Country KKWF (THE WOLF) was howling at the moon because it had its best book in over a year (4.9-5.0) to move forward a spot to #3.  Cluster bro’ ENTERCOM Active Rock KISW ended a three-book slide (4.2-4.9) and muscled its way up to #4 from #7.  CRISTA Christian Contemporary KCMS (SPIRIT) remained at #5 (4.8-4.5).  CBS RADIO Classic Rock KZOK has been on a roller coaster recently going from #4 to #7 to #3 and now to #6 (5.1-4.4).  The combination of the MARINERS surprise season and the return of SUPER BOWL champs the SEAHAWKS likely combined to fuel the rise of BONNEVILLE Sports KIRO-A as it moved up eight spots to a tie at #9 (3.1-3.7).  This was the final book for BOB RIVERS on CCM+E Classic Hits KJR-F (THE JET).  The station was flat (3.7-3.7) but dropped back into a tie at #9 with KIRO-A.KISW had been on a pretty serious three-book slide 25-54, which took the station from #1 to #3.  Well, it came back strong this survey and took the lead with its best showing since APRIL.  KQMV abdicated the throne despite a small increase.  KKWF hunted down its best book in over a year to move up to #3.  It is also on a four-book surge that has elevated it from #10 and added more than two shares to its pack.  KZOK took the down escalator this time and landed in a tie at #4 with CBS RADIO Adult Hits KJAQ (JACK FM), which did what it wanted by moving up from #8 with its best share in over a year.  BONNEVILLE Talk KIRO-F – which also broadcasts the SEAHAWKS – had its biggest score since MARCH to move up five places to #6.  KCMS fell out of the top five, landing at #7 with its lowest share since FEBRUARY.

    KQMV captured 18-34 honors for the fourth book in a row, landing its biggest share in over a year.  KKWF remained at #2 but its slight loss of share meant the gap grew to almost two points.  KISW ended a three-book slide here as well and moved up a spot to #3.  Last month was the first full survey for ENTERCOM Alternative KNDD (THE END) and its #2MinutePromise.  The results were stunning as the station moved from #8 to #3.  This time, the numbers were off a bit as it slipped to #4.  Still, it is in a better position – with a bigger share – than the pre-promise days.  Three stations joined forces at #5.  CCM+E Top 40/M KBKS (KISS) remained in place with a small share decrease.  Cluster mate CCM+E Top 40/R KUBE moved up from #6 even though it, too, lost a bit of share.  They were joined by ENTERCOM Rhythmic AC KHTP (HOT), which bounced back from its lowest share since the flip to move up from a tie at #11.

    Make it four in a row for KQMV 18-49 as it again had its best book in over a year.  KISW’s story remained the same – ending a dramatic three-book slide as it moved up to #2.  KKWF has been up or flat for six books in a row but it fell back to #3 even though it had its best number in over a year.  KHTP returned to more familiar turf.  The station had routinely been in the top five since it flipped.  That ended in APRIL but it bounced back this time – climbing from #11 to #4.  KJAQ was also hot as it gained four spots in the standings to #5.  KZOK’s woes continued as it fell from #4 to #8 while KBKS dropped from #5 to #9.

    – See more at: http://www.allaccess.com/net-news/archive/story/133094/research-director-inc-presents-exclusive-august-pp?ref=mail_arbs#sthash.L7GaBC5L.dpuf


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