Further to TV not being dead…




By Rob Arnold
CTV Account Executive
Regina, Saskatchewan
September 3rd, 2014

TV’s death has been talked about and talked about and talked about ever since the first videos were going up online.

I’m here to share today that TV’s death has, once again, been grossly overstated. In fact, according to some of the latest research that’s come across my desk, TV is still exceptionally healthy. Some of the highlights include:

– Adults aged 18-54 are watching about 25 hours of TV per week (BBM – 2013 – Weeks 3-35)

– Adults 50+ are watching about 36.5 hours of TV per week (Hello… baby boomers… disposable income… wanting to live a great life… HELLO?) (BBM Canada Infosys+ Total Canada, 2013 Broadcast Year)

-TV reaches approximately 98% of Canadians on average every week. (BBM Canada Infosys+ Total Canada, 2013 Broadcast Year)

But what about all those people who are watching Netflix, or their favourite TV shows on other devices? Well, about that….

-85% of Adults aged 18-49 are watching the same amount of ‘regular’ TV, in addition to the shows they now watch on tablets. Of those, 39% are actually watching MORE regular TV in addition to what they’re watching on their tablets. (The Diffusion Group – Spring 2013)

-Netflix users say their ‘regular’ TV content consumption has been unaffected by watching Netflix. In fact, Netflix users are about 23% more likely to watch MORE ‘regular’ TV (The Diffusion Group – Spring 2013)

And finally, the 800 pound elephant in the room… PVR usage. This is one area I’m asked often about, as there’s a general perception of extremely high PVR usage in most households. Well…

-88% of ALL TV viewing in Canada is watched live, whether over the air on cable or satellite. Of the remaining 12%, 7% of viewing is from a PVR / VCR, and 5% of TV viewing is from Netflix (BBM, MTM 2013)

TV ‘dying’ is just one of the perceptions that’s been turned into reality in the last few years. I believe part of this is because, in some places, the way TV works has not been properly portrayed. Like all your advertising options, TV comes with its pluses and minuses… at the end of the day, it’s about what’s going to work best for YOUR core message.

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