This May Be Why Casey’s Remains are in Montreal

  • courtesy July 25, 2014 at 11:04 AM (PT)
  • caseykasem.jpg
  • Enough Already…

    The macabre tale of CASEY KASEM’s remains took an even more sordid twist today, as the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS quotes a private detective alleging that the reason JEAN KASEM flew the body to MONTREAL, listing the funeral home URGEL BOURGIE as the place of disposition — even though the funeral home denies receiving the body — (NET NEWS, 7/21) is that MONTREAL is the home town of JOHN PAUL GRESSY, a Canadian businessman rumored to be romantically involved with the widow.

    The private investigator, LOGAN CLARKE, asserts that GRESSY has been living in JEAN KASEM’s MALIBU condo for months, and that “Neighbors have seen them holding hands and acting close,” CLARKE told the paper. “I welcome her to sue me if I’m wrong.”

    Meanwhile, KERRI KASEN posted a message on TWITLONGER about the situation: “Let me clear a few things up,” she wrote. “First of all, my Dad is not “missing,” JEAN KASEM knows exactly where he is and she is HIDING him from his friends and family …  we will find out where my Dad is buried when the law that I am working on passes. There is a provision in the “Visitation Law” AB2034 that states the conservator/guardian must notify the immediate family when the ailing parent is in the hospital, upon death and where they are buried. JEAN KASEM will be court ordered to tell us where our Dad is.

    “If my father is buried in MONTREAL, CANADA a place my Dad has NO connection to, it just further proves that even in death as in life, JEAN has tried to keep us away from our father. No matter what she does now … DAD IS ALWAYS WITH US.”

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  1. And the golddigging widow of Casey Kasem continues her antics to keep her name in the headlines. Surprise, surprise…

  2. If Jean Kasem is listed on the final will (at Casey Kasem’s request) as executor of the will, how is she a “gold digger” ?

  3. I am of 2 thoughts.

    1) what is the benefit for anyone on location of the man’s remains? They have no material value. Why are we assuming Jean is the villain and not his kids?

    2) He’s gone. He did some great work. who really cares about anything else? it’s a family issue… don’t feed the animals.


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