Molestation Trial of Rolf Harris Underway in UK


The trial for Australian entertainer Rolf Harris, facing 12 counts of indecent assault against four victims spanning three decades between 1968 and 1986, opened Friday in London’s Southwark Crown Court.  Harris, now 84, has lived in the UK for years, but has strong local connections.  He entertained at a number of Vancouver venues during the 1960s and ’70s, hosted The Rolf Harris Show on BCTV in 1978 and was on stage at Expo 86.

Some of the charges against him were outlined in court as the prosecution opened its case.  The UK newspaper The Independent gives some detail at the following link.





  1. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he was and is guilty of such crimes. Its just too bad that in many cases, it comes down to trying elderly men. They look harmless today, and the family that stands behind him, what a joke!

  2. “The more they try to keep me down…
    The better I like Vancouver town…”
    …. Rolf Harris…

    … which actually turns out to be a rip-off of a song called “Sydney Town”, written by Australian Frank Hardy in 1964…


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