Kelowna Radio Ratings Spring 2016 (Numeris)


Universe: 173,830



Universe – Estimated population of the Central Market Area.

Central Market Area – A Numeris defined geographical area, usually centred around one urban centre. The definition of a Central Market Area generally corresponds to Statistics Canada Census Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomeration, Cities, Counties, Census Divisions or Regional Districts.

Share – Within the central market area, the estimated total hours tuned to that station expressed as a percentage of total hours tuned to all radio.

Central (Ctrl) Reach – The estimated number of different people, within the central market area, who tuned to that station for at least one quarter hour during the week. Value is expressed in 000’s.

Source: Numeris


  1. It was with great surprise to have seen the Juice come out on top last time around, and now they have fallen back. Interesting Joseph Otoo was then with the station during those peak numbers. Where’s Joe?

  2. Juice numbers were probably just a one time fluke. Happens in a book market from time to time, then things go back to normal. Wonder if Murray Brookshaw or local PD Kristen Diehi were patting themselves on the back for a GREAT job, like they did last time around with their solo #1 book? LOL

  3. What the hell Q ?? Last every time…. surprising because they thought that bringing in has beens would move them up the ratings….yea, not working


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